Wednesday 25 June 2014

For Things to come....

22 x 11
oil on canvas

A commission for my friend Anita who planted young pomegranates trees on her smallholding.
Small trees need to grow 2-3 years to bear the first fruit but for a substantial harvest 5-6 years.
The pomegranate with the branch and leaves is from my neighbour's garden, the other too
are commercially grown ones from the grocery store.
Have a look at Anita's blog:

Copyright  Pera Schillings
All rights reserved

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Adam's Figs

oil on canvas

A reminder of warmer days, juicy and sweet Adam's figs.
Stellenbosch is facing a very cold June so far with snow on the mountains already. Not my kind of fun!
This is the last paintings so far in the black on black reflection series.

Copyright  Pera Schillings
All rights reserved

Sunday 1 June 2014

Pair of red Plums

oil on canvas

Red plums with a rather blue/purple-ish colour and bright red flecks....
Autumn in Stellenbosch is beautiful !

Copyright  Pera Schillings
All rights reserved